Dr. Vass Geo is an untroubled, non-traumatised artist who loves colours.
Unfuck Yourself (after Larkin)
Poetry by DLC Hanson
CW: Language & Mental Health
They fucked you up, no doubting that They live in you, the genes they shed That sully you and bully you To follow paths not yours to tread.
The dread you feel when mirrors speak In words you do not recognise As yours, spew forth from grinning chops. While drooping lids of deadened eyes
Aquiver in the afterglow Of imperceptible disdain And praise that filters through in waves Of hesitation to your brain.
Mind blown by generations full Of missteps, broken dreams and grime The choices never made dictate You do the penance, not the crime.
The narrative of something true Will shear your misadventures bare In nature’s harsh and bitter games The winners hunt the losers’ prayers.
And by the blackest of dark traits That course through and illuminate To this day you are static, still In daydream you deliberate.
And yet The circumstances into which you were born are not you. The chance encounter, the amalgamation and coagulation of the cells of two confused and passionless beings are not you. These are peripheral things, gyrating orbs amidst rings of mist and debris through which blissful light advancesunhindered when the sun shines bright and right.
Unfuck yourself child before you are grown, it is easier now whilst tomorrow’s not known and the mist will grow thicker the longer you dwell in the depths of your paternal-maternal black well Dug out of the earth as they buried their hopes under graves of ambitions upon glory and bones. Unfuck yourself kid stab the bulls through the eye flush the cat-napping meds quit the day job and fly Up, up, up and away to your mindsky, your lifecloud, your dreamscape your spectrum of violent blues and rose-bloodied reds and swoop down upon that which your heart may demand of today in this moment this place your command. And before you extinguish the light understand: that of course they fucked you up good and proper (that’s just what they do) but Unfuck yourself now don’t let being fucked up stop you Unfuck yourself now because no one else can Unfuck yourself boy else you’ll ne’er be a man.
DLC Hanson grew up in Grimsby and Leeds before travelling the world, falling in love and moving to London. After finding neither fame nor fortune, he moved to rural Essex to start a family, a business, a covers band and to become a writer. He is currently working on his first novel. @DLCTheWriter (Twitter)