Edward Lee is an artist and writer from Ireland. His paintings and photography have been exhibited widely, while his poetry, short stories, non-fiction have been published in magazines in Ireland, England and America, including The Stinging Fly, Skylight 47, Acumen and Smiths Knoll. edwardmlee.wordpress.com
About Poncho & Lefty
Poetry by Tiffany Storrs
Got a little ash in my mouth today Said lightning struck a forest floor or Maybe it was some discarded Lipstick-grazed cigarette filter next to a crushed Topo Chico (at least they cared enough to put themselves together first.) Southwestern wind carries Two hundred miles, twenty-four hours, two lakes blackened, bare and lapping burnt-orange bathed tree tops silent and solicitous to reach me. I take a moment to apologize to my younger self for Ash in my mouth, for Lipstick filters for crushed Water vessels For lessons unlearned For songs that play to remind me the way people lace together and bind Your pale blue eyes, lingering on Hundreds of days, hundreds of miles Through every dawn in muted shades like aching, like almost Noise and broken walls and the vast mundane to reach me. Still, I wonder if I lit a fire how long would it take for you to taste it?
Tiffany M. Storrs is a rust belt baby with a mouth to match. She is EIC of Roi Fainéant Press, an eternal student of comedy, day-job writer, and old soul. Her words have appeared in Red Fez, Punk Noir, and elsewhere. roifaineantpress.com @msladybrute (Twitter)