Dr. Vass Geo is an untroubled, non-traumatised artist who loves colours.
This Is How I See Her... Poetry by Ivona Coghlan
CW: Mental Health
My legs stride through jagged mountains like fields of dewy grass Sparks fly from my fingers and blitz the coal black clouds My tongue can spit acid or sprinkle hope My hands punch and caress with equal clout Through tornadoes of turmoil and circumstance, my feet are firmly planted
My brain plans, adapts, implements My heart swells, bursts, holds My tears rive, release, restore
You call me weak? You call any of us weak? We breathe strength into being We survive when we should rightly smash and shatter to smithereens Instead, we dance in the ashes; we scream through the storm
In the empty, pitch-dark, soulless void, we are the single note of music
Ivona Coghlan studied Creative Writing with The Open University. She has had stories published by The Blue Nib and Books Beyond Boundaries. Her poem And They Called Them Souls was published in The Bangor Literary Journal. @Ivona_Coghlan (Twitter)